On the moment, David Coppit (author of
Mail::Folder::FastReader ) and I are re-developing
the lower levels of Mail::Box , replacing the
MIME::Entity and Mail::Internet modules.
Only during this new design-process, it becomes clear how
overly complicated (the internal structures of) the module had grown
as result of the use of existing modules. The next pages will show
what we are making now.
From now on, a Mail::Box::Message will inherit from
the newly created Mail::Message . Everything what is not
directly related to a message is moved to different modules. For
instance, the reply method on a message is only used by
a few applications, so why bother all? Here, we will use autoloading
of functionality of reply on demand.
These Mail::Message -objects are
read (and written) by the new Mail::Box::Parser , a replacement
for the MIME::Parser and fully written in C. This seems the
only way to improve the correctness of the parser without serious performance