YAPC Europe Foundation - Information for Organizers - Donations
Because the YAPC::Europe Foundation does not have regular donors and has a limited amount of money, we make all donations available with the understanding that if an event makes a profit they will consider making a return donation to YEF so that we can continue to contribute toward future events. Donations from YEF are intended to help organizers with early expenses which may come before money is received from other sources.
You can request a donation by mailing the general YEF contact address. This letter should include a rough estimate of projected expenses as well as a request for a specific amount. The default maximum donations are listed by event type. If the donation is granted, we require identification and bank information; you can ensure that there is a minimal delay by having this information ready. The board should respond within two weeks. If the proposal is accepted, you will be given a contract which describes the donation (an example contract is available for review). Once the contract is received by the board chairperson, the money will be transferred.
In considering a donation, the board looks at the amount of money it has available and the viability of the event. Specifically, we want to make sure that the event isn't competing with similar events (by being at the same time or in the same region as a well-established event), and that the budget is realistic.
As noted earlier, YEF donations are intended to 'kickstart' rather than fill gaps in funding. It is possible to receive a donation for a budget shortfall, but only under extreme circumstances. The board will consider what other measures are available to address the shortfall, such as reducing the scope of the event or slightly increasing attendance fees. The shortfall must be unexpected--caused, for instance, by a sponsor withdrawing support. Finally, the shortfall must relate to a crucial part of the event. Paying for the venue is an example of an essential cost; t-shirts are an example of a cost which can be eliminated.