The Call for Participation was issued on 7th February 2001:
European Yet Another Perl Conference
YAPC 2001 http://www.yapc.org/Europe/ Thursday-Saturday, August 2-4, 2001 at the Hogeschool Holland Amsterdam, the Netherlands Abstract submission deadline: June 1, 2001Yet Another Perl Conference (YAPC) is an inexpensive (< 100 EURO) Perl users and developers conference, with a mix of tutorials and technical talks. The conference is set in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.YAPC began as a grassroots users conference, from discussions among Perl Mongers, and has grown from there. We would like to invite you to join us for three days of Perl, people, and demonstrations, at a price that shouldn't hurt your wallet. There will be a limit of around 500 people for the conference. A number of members of the Perl community are contributing to this event. See the main web page for more details -- http://www.yapc.org/Europe/
CALL FOR PAPERSpapers@yapceurope.orgin plain ASCII text or HTML by June 1st for consideration. We would like your materials to be available online, but that is not required. If you have materials to include in the proceedings, or course notes, please let us know of your requirements in the abstract. If you have any special presentation needs, please include them also. The conference theme will be Security, so a portion of the talks will be about that subject in some way. So if you have some knowledge of Perl related security issues, or use Perl in security related areas, you're more then welcome to share this with fellow Perl users at the conference. Suggestions :
A part of the time will be available for other Perl related subjects. Suggestions for subjects:
We have the following time slots in our schedule, so your contribution could have one of the following durations:
Conference fees will be waived for presenters at yapc (lightning talks excepted), so another way to reduce your costs is to give a good talk on something you're excited about. We are looking for sponsors. Please contact Jouke (sponsor@yapceurope.org) for information about how you can help support YAPC Europe. Much of the necessary funding for YAPC comes from the generous donations of our sponsors. |
Last modified on
August 9, 2001 by leon@yapc.org. |